Ep 172: What does it mean to be a “good enough” SLP?

What does it mean to be a “good enough” SLP?
In this episode, Sarah shares 5 things being a “good enough” SLP means to her, and encourages you to make your own list of what being an imperfectly good SLP means to you.

5 points of being a good enough SLP: 

I only do the job of one person

My work is not perfect 

Imposter syndrome doesn’t run the show 

I can leave work undone and still be a good SLP

I can disappoint people and still be a good SLP


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Ep 171: Leaving a School Job Midyear w/ Megan Berning

Have you ever considered leaving a school job mid-year?

Although it's not ideal, sometimes circumstances become such that we might feel like it becomes the only option. This episode discusses:

background of an elementary school with a white text box and text on top that reads ep 171: leaving a school job midyear with Megan Berning
  • Signs it's time to leave a job

  • Megan's experience of leaving a school job midyear

  • What happened with the school board & her principal when she resigned

  • Her next SLP job - and did things get better?


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Ep 167: 5 Tips for Building a Sustainable SLP Career

In this episode with Kim Lewis from Activity Tailor, we discuss 5 ways to build a sustainable SLP career.

5 Tips for Building a Sustainable SLP Career

  1. Communicate with caregivers, don’t put pressure for progress all on your own shoulders.

  2. Identify what “good enough” work for you means and what that looks like.

  3. Separate your identity from your job, your title isn’t who you are. Think about your strengths and your values - who you are isn’t only your professional role.

  4. What you do today is enough.

  5. Make it simple whenever possible.

💡 Quotes from Kim

“I cannot be the only person responsible for the effort.”

“As we get better and more expert…it (the job) feels a lot easier for us, but you don’t always appreciate how much butter you’ve gotten. Your B- effort in year 10 might look a lot like A+ effort in year 1.”

“I think that we need to stop telling ourselves that the measure of how good of a job we’re doing is how much effort we are putting in.”


Newsletter (for easy lesson ideas, this month I’ll send out a printable of tips from this episode)

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