Episode 65: Stress SOS - Creating an Effective Stress Management System

On this SLP Happy Hour Episode, stress management tools for a difficult week are discussed.

This episode is a great listen for anyone looking for more stress management techniques for when things feel really tough. In this episode, the cohosts discuss what to do in a difficult week, what they are currently reading, and what “precrastinating” is, and it’s implications for SLPs at work and at home.
Sarah shares examples of her toughest week in recent memory, and both cohosts share what they do when they just need to take a mental health day (or afternoon) to take a break from whatever is stressful, work through the emotion, and get back to to problem solving after working through some emotional pieces.

What’s Up, What’s Down

Sarie shares what’s down - people commenting on her pregnant body.

Sarah shares what’s up - sunny walks outside

What We’re Reading

No Hard Feelings

Agatha Raisin Series

Simplicity Parenting

The Shadow of the Wind

We also discuss: How To Talk So Kids Will Listen

Self Care Confessions

Sarah has been watching skin tutorials on YouTube (here’s her current favorite). Sarie shares her favorite braiding tutorials, especially this YouTuber.

Lazy Lesson

The cohosts shared a lazy lesson for a reverse sensory bin, and what that means.

What is “precrastinating”?

Precrastinating is doing overwork further in advance than needed. Sometimes it may be fine, but sometimes by doing this you may be overworking yourself. The cohosts discuss implications for this as SLPs at work and at home.

More on this concept:

Article 1

Article 2

Stress SOS

The cohosts described some things they do during a really rough week. For the full list in a downloadable freebie, join our newsletter for the freebies that go with our episodes here.

On this SLP Happy Hour Episode, stress management tools for a difficult week are discussed. #slpeeps