Looking to find more time as a busy SLP?
In this episode we share how to do a time audit and discover time "in the margins" to feel less hurried and stressed.
We also share family news - as we've gotten listener requests to share family updates as our families grow this year.
Story Time
Sarah shares a story about the red truck with the five beady (and cute!) eyes in the back.
What’s Up, What’s Down
What’s down? A pulled neck muscle.
What’s up? Sarie’s maternity pants.
Lazy Lesson
Sarah shares an open ended lesson you can use this Spring, by using flower petals with a student’s target - listen in for more details. Sarie shares how to extend this by rolling dice for colored petals and how to make this into homework.
Slice of Happiness
Sarah shares how the Agatha Raisin mysteries are bringing her happiness (Amazon Affiliate Link), and Sarie shares how she’s been warming up in the mornings with hot steamers.
Family News
The cohosts share updates on their growing families and some things they’ve been keeping private, as well as how their lives will change after this Spring/Summer.
Finding More Time
Tips: 1. Time track 2. Do a gut check 3. Complete a Power Hour for tasks you are procrastinating on 4. Take a break from social media 5. Have an email checking schedule and keep to it (check only 1-2x daily) 6. Eat similar foods daily to limit decisions and meal prep 7. Eliminate, simplify automate, delegate (From Clockwork book - Amazon Affiliate Link) 8. Mindfully decide what to do when you find quick moments “in the margins” (consider your values)
Self Care Challenge
Time Track for one week. Make your own chart, or look for the Before Breakfast Podcast version.
(Also, the audio quality of this episode isn’t up to snuff. We made a “Big Oooops” on our last recording days. We had out podcast mic plugged in, but the computer input was from the computer mic, and the resulting quality isn’t as good as we’d like. You live and you learn. This was a frustrating lesson to learn the hard way!)