Episode 55: Science-Backed Happiness Habits That Work & Flow Fridays

In Episode 55 of the SLP Happy Hour Podcast, the cohosts discuss tips happiness that are research-backed, what to do about the Sunday Blues/Monday Overwhelm, and ideas for Flow Fridays to slow down on Friday afternoons at work.

In this episode, the co-hosts discuss Happiness Habits that Work and their experiment with 50% Fridays, and what that means.

These show notes contain Amazon affiliate links.

What’s up, What’s Down

What’s down? Laundry staying in the laundry basket!

Sarah talks about her handheld steamer if you hate ironing too

Sarie likes Wrinkle Ease Spray

To Die For Muffins (Blueberry)

Science Backed Happiness Habits

  1. Develop Weak Ties

  2. Spend Two Hours Weekly Outdoors

  3. Read More/Bibliotherapy 

  4. Sleep Enough

  5. Eat Healthy Food

  6. Exercise Regularly, and find exercise you enjoy

  7. Laugh Regularly (we love Saturday Night Live and The Ellen Show)

    Listener Question
    I’m noticing I’m getting really stressed on Sunday night but also feeling pressured on Mondays to get it all done. How can I better deal with this?

    The cohosts ask: Is this really just the Sunday night blues, or are you dreading your job? Make sure you define the problem, because this is a red flag for burnout.

    The cohosts also share they’ve worked to schedule some non-meeting and non-client contact time first thing Monday mornings to try and slow down Mondays to reduce the Sunday night dread. They also shared a suggestion to have an enjoyable morning routine, have a fun plan to look forward to, prep your Monday meals on Sunday, and write your Monday to-do list Friday afternoon so it’s ready to go on Monday morning.

    Episodes 39, 40, 47 focus on overwork, burnout, and these topics so make sure to listen in to those if you haven’t already.

50% Fridays/Flow Fridays

Feeling drained at the end of the week? Do you come home Friday evening and crash on the couch?

The idea here is to not push through exhaustion and work through it, and then take too long to get your energy back. Ask yourself on Fridays - does this have to be done today? Can it wait?

Some other ideas for 50% Fridays

Leave that email response for next week.

Don’t check email after lunch on Fridays.

Avoid meetings on Fridays when you can.

Consider not answering your phone or checking social media on Fridays.

Figure out ways to streamline lessons with one book or game, or choosing an easier lesson.

Listen to our Lazy Lesson/Easy Lesson Episodes for easy lesson ideas

Make a reading and relaxation date with yourself on Friday nights

Cook an easy dinner on Fridays (Salmon and Broccoli or Burgers and Salad)

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In this episode (Episode 55 of the SLP Happy Hour Podcast), you'll learn six research-backed happiness habits, what to do when you feel the Sunday Blues, and how to make Fridays better. #slpeeps