Episode 13: The Love Languages at Work and Home, 3 Essential SLP Lessons, Effectively Teaching Empathy

This episode, we talk about using the love languages at home and work, what we think of them and if they are really important. We also discuss three essential SLP lessons for your first year, and teaching empathy in the schools. This episode is perfect for anyone who is looking for more SLP wisdom and is interested in how other countries teach empathy lessons.

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Episode 11: Are your clients ready to work with YOU?

The bulk of this episode discusses client success factors. Do you work with a variety of clients? Do some clients seem to have a bad attitude or get upset easily? Do you have other clients who seem interested in getting service and then seem to disappear, never to be seen again? Well, you might be ready for your clients - but you need to be able to answer the question - are your clients ready to work with you?

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Episode 7: SLPs and Perfectionism, Your First SLP Job

This episode, we talk about some SLP advice that has helped us lately, perfectionism in the SLP world, and advice for your first year as an SLP.

Whether you are an SLP student, a new SLP, or someone who has been in the game for a long time, we hope you enjoy this conversation and pick up some tips along the way for managing some common pitfalls in the workplace.

This episode is perfect for anyone who is battling perfectionism as an SLP (aren’t we all?) or who is starting a new job or is starting to work in a new setting and wants to learn some tips for making it through the transition.

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