Episode 71: Using Self Talk to Work Through Compassion Fatigue with Kate Williams

Are you an SLP who may be struggling with burnout or compassion fatigue? This episode of the SLP Happy Hour Podcast might be for you. This interview with Kate Williams, PhD, describes: the ACE acronym for mindfulness, and daily activiities that can …

Do you struggle with Impostor Syndrome?
Do you want more effective strategies for when Impostor Syndrome creeps up?

In this episode, we interview Kathryn Samples for 5 practical tips for using self talk to work through impostor syndrome.

Kate is a doctoral candidate studying mindfulness and compassion fatigue, and she is an SLP.

AEC is Kate’s acronym for mindfulness

A = Awareness - you can’t change something if you aren’t aware of it; Kathryn explains “the mirror challenge” and challenges you to do it for at least one week.

E= Evaluate - this step is for week two, evaluate if your thought is something that you want to be thinking (Would you say that to someone else? Consider someone you love and would you say them to that person?), do this at least once a day a for at least one week (this would be week two, since week one you would be doing the awareness activities). Ask yourself - do I want to continue with this thought?

C = Choice - Ask yourself - do I want to continue with this thought?; Kathryn talks about “the toothbrush challenge” and saying kind things about yourself for the time you are brushing your teeth twice a day for the two minutes you brush your teeth (this may feel cringe-worthy at first and will take practice, remember you made the choice to change your self talk to reinforce why you are doing this), this would be done the third week - this challenge doesn’t have an ending, but you may transfer to a “maintence challenge” to do it a few times a week

Kate also reminds us to be more human being, less human doing.

Kate also shared that if you tag us and Kathryn on Instagram during this month in your IG stories or posts, you'll get a coaching session with Kathryn. Listen to the podcast episode for more details.

Want more on Kate?

Clinic Website santarosaspeechtherapy.com

Coaching Website (coming soon!) sustainablespeech.com

Are you an SLP who may be struggling with burnout or compassion fatigue? This episode of the SLP Happy Hour Podcast might be for you. This interview with Kate Williams, PhD, describes: the ACE acronym for mindfulness, and daily activiities that can …